Monday, 31 October 2011

Sun Tzu: Art of Hospitality?

It is hard to know whether the fascination with Sun Tzu's Art of War and its application into modern conflict, business, war, understanding the Chinese economic miracle or any of the other theories it has been pummelled, squeezed and mistranslated to represent are of any worth?

However, I was recently given a pocket copy of his work translated by Ralph Sawyer and published by So I thought I would go through it and see if there was any wisdom that could be gleaned for the hospitality, tourism and leisure industries.

The book is promoted with the usual hyperbole surrounding those who promote Sun Tzu (usually publishers!!) Sun Tzu: art of War

The ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu is universally recognized as the greatest military strategist in history, a master of warfare interpretation. This condensed version of his influential classic imparts the knowledge and skills to overcome every adversary in war, at the office, or in everyday life!

Despite my cynicism the book does start with the declaration that:

"Warfare is the greatest affair of state, ... It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed"

This got me thinking, if your business is not amongst the greatest affairs in your life there is a problem. It need not be the greatest (family would be for me) but it should be up there!

There is also no doubt that it deserves to be "pondered and analyzed". Too many people just react to their industry and its whims and fortunes without actually thinking about it.

So why not use Sun Tzu and his Art of War as a starting point and see where it takes us? You never know until you try. I welcome any comments on either what Sun Tzu says or what I say. It takes more than one opinion to really "ponder and analyze"!